Become a Member

of the Suffolk County Council Stem Nova University

Members are TRAINED!

All members of the STEM NOVA UNIVERSITY are required to:

Attend and Complete BSA Nova Counselor Training

Participate in the University Shadow Program

Up-To-Date YPT Training

Registered as a Leader within the BSA

How to Become a Member?

To become a Member of the NOVA University you must apply to the STEM NOVA UNIVERSITY Committee using the link to the application at the top of this page.   Before you apply each Member must fulfill certain criteria.

1. Sign-up for and Attend a STEM NOVA Counselor Training or request to complete the Nova Counselor Training Course at Home.  If you have completed the at Home training you must submit a copy of your certificate with your application.  See below for the link to upcoming in person Nova Counselor Training Courses.

2. Participate in the University Shadow Program by contacting a Committee Member of the STEM NOVA UNIVERSITY.  The Shadow Program is when a to-be member talks with a “Mentor” to guide you on your first course using the STEM University materials and to see how courses are conducted and administered.  This is to ensure that all members ready to take on providing courses to their Unit or Local Area Scouts provide a program consistent with the Vision and Mission of the University.

3. All that apply MUST have up-to-date YPT Training and provide a certificate of such.  Each Member MUST keep their YPT Training current with no lapses or expired dates.


No Member is permitted to hold courses for profit from offered STEM NOVA courses.  Any money collected MUST ONLY be to reimburse for expenses or to pay for field trips only!  Full Disclosure must be made to parents of the Scouts prior to offering any course and using any materials.  Discovery of such will permit in termination of membership and the ability to offer STEM NOVA COURSES within BSA Suffolk County Council.

Click Here for Upcoming Nova Counselor Training…

Every Scout Deserves a Trained Leader!  That includes a Trained NOVA COUNSELOR!!!


of BSA Suffolk County Council

“Broadening the Minds and Imagination One Scout at a Time!”

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